sábado, 30 de diciembre de 2017

De brujas y diablos

Frontispiece from Matthew Hopkins' The Discovery of Witches (1647), showing witches identifying their familiar spirits. Matthew Hopkins, the self-proclaimed Witch-Finder General flourished in 1640′s England, because of the power and influence of the church, anyone who held contrary views was considered a heretic and was therefore assumed to be in an alliance with the Devil.  Hopkins saw a great opportunity in this belief and in the years 1645 to 1647 travelled as a witch-finder (true story)

Pacto infernal que supuestamente lleva las firmas del padre Urbain Grandier y de Lucifer, Belcebú, Satán, Elmi, Leviatán, Astaroth y Baalbarith. El documento fue usado como evidencia para sentenciar al padre Grandier por brujería y quemarlo en la hoguera. Loudun, 1634. 

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